Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola are a creative and flexible programme of prayer and reflection centred on the life of Christ.
They can be made as a 30 day retreat or online or in everyday life as described here.
The method for this retreat in daily life is described in the opening paragraphs of the Exercises, note number 19 – so it is often referred to as a “19th Annotation” retreat
Making the Spiritual Exercises according to the 19th annotation can help people to integrate prayer, life and work in a very direct way.
Many have found that it is a particular help in finding God in all things.
People from very different backgrounds or Christian traditions have found benefit in making the Spiritual Exercises.
Many see it as an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God.
Others may make the exercises because they wish to make an important decision about their life direction.
Others still come to them for less clear reasons, they just feel drawn to make them.
The person making the Exercises commits to pray and reflect for a certain amount of time each day and meet regularly with the retreat guide.
These meetings usually take place once a week, at a time convenient to the retreatant and their guide over a period of between seven and 12 months.
The retreatant shares with their spiritual director their experiences of the Exercises over the past week and the director then offers material for the coming week.
Currently we are accepting people to begin this retreat in September each year as this fits in best with the liturgical year, and is helpful to the ISC Team.
An interview will then be arranged.
If you require further information about the exercises then please contact us at the ISC.
Please note: participation in the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life can be online or in person at our centre in Glasgow .
The suggested donation is £650 (with a non refundable deposit of £100)
Apply online Contact us via email