Make a donation to the ISC

You can donate to our bursary fund appeal or make a general donation for events, retreats etc that you participate in via the methods detailed below:  

Many of our online events are free, but they do cost money for us to run them, so any help you can give would be appreciated.

Cheque: You can donate by sending a £GBP cheque. Please make the cheque payable to ISC Glasgow. Post to ISC, 35 Scott St, Glasgow, G3 6PE  

Bank Transfer in £GBP: If you wish to make a bank transfer from a UK based Account please CLICK HERE for bank details.  *

Gift-Aid: If you are a British taxpayer and wish to pay via cheque or bank transfer, then please fill in our gift-aid form.  

Send us money in other currencies: If you wish to donate in another currency please CLICK HERE for details - (Please don't send us dollar or euro checks) *

PayPal: For PayPal online donations please click on the 'Donate' button below.  Add the amount you would like to donate to the empty box, (you need to add the pennies e.g. £25.00). 
(In addition, if you are a British Taxpayer it would be good for us if you clicked 'gift-aid' my donation.) *

Please let us know what what your donation is for.


Next week (1 April 2025) we are changing our charitable status from a Charitable Trust to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and on account of this we need to close one PayPal account and open a new one once the CIO becomes active. We will therefore deactivate the PayPal link below on Friday 28 March, and reactivate it at a later date with the link to the new account. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Similarly we will be involved in some updates to our main CAF UK bank account and our WISE Accounts - so these details may change in the VERY NEAR future. 

Click the button to donate via PayPal
Donate Via PayPal

Bursary Appeal

We are inviting you to donate to our ISC Bursary APPEAL

In the last year we have given out over £5000 in bursaries to enable people to take part in retreats and courses and to receive accompaniment. We need your help so that we can continue to be open to all, whatever their financial situation.

You can support the Bursary Fund either by a one-off gift, or by a regular (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) contribution or by donating a little more than the suggested donation for events and courses.

Additionally this year we want to offer to parishes, prisons and chaplaincies free of charge a booklet detailing ways of Ignatian prayer as part of the Year of Prayer. The intention is to share our rich resources as widely as possible and in particular with those who will never be able to come to the Centre or on retreat. If you can donate towards the cost of printing and distribution this would enable us to do this.

Ask for a Bursary

To request bursary assistance from the ISC for one of our events or retreats please click the application button below

Request bursary Assistance

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All rights reserved