Ignatian Spirituality

Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits, gained many insights into the spiritual life through his personal spiritual journey.
He gathered his insights, prayers and suggestions in the book which is known as The Spiritual Exercises.

The Exercises are a series of meditations where the life of Christ and the life of the person praying them interact.
Much use is made of imaginative contemplation using stories from the Gospels.
The Exercises themselves take about a month if done on a full-time basis either in  Loyola Spain or online

They can be done over 9 months to a year if done as the Spiritual Exercises in daily life

(These options are all offered via the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Glasgow)

The idea of the Exercises is to deepen the personal knowledge of Christ and the desire to follow and imitate Him.
The Exercises are seen as a school of discernment and are often undertaken by those who would like to discern the way forward in life - how to follow God's will more perfectly.

Throughout his life Ignatius exhibited an exceptional capacity to help others deepen their experience of and relationship with God.
He was keen on engaging people in conversations which encouraged them to reflect on their own lives and what was most important to them - their deepest desire.
His spirituality has a very positive view of people.  Deep down, he believed, we are all most contented - in 'consolation' was his favourite term - when we are doing the will of God. And the will of God wants the best for us.

Books on Ignatian Spirituality on Amazon

Film review on Ignatius in English (despite its Spanish title) - Ignacio de Loyola

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