The Ignatian Adventure

A series of Webinars with Fr Kevin O'Brien SJ


The ISC are delighted that Fr Kevin O'Brien, SJ will run a series of webinars on the Spiritual Exercises.

Fr Kevin  is a former lawyer who became a Jesuit nearly 25 years ago. He regularly conducts spiritual retreats for the young and old alike. An experienced high school teacher and college professor, he is the author of The Ignatian Adventure and Seeing with the Heart.

Our webinars are aimed at people who have some familiarity with Ignatian Spirituality and would be particularly useful to those who give spiritual accompaniment or take people through the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius.

Dates: Wednesday 7 May; 28 May & 4 June 2025

Time: 19:00-20:30 (UK Time)


Session one: An orientation to the Spiritual Exercises through Ignatius' introductory annotations
Session two: An exploration of grace and the sacramental imagination in the Spiritual Exercises
Session three: The centrality of freedom and magnanimity in the Spiritual Exercises

Suggested Donation: £20 per session or £50 to book onto all three events

Booking Form
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